SCLC is a consortium of 40 independent city, county and special district public libraries located in Los Angeles and Ventura counties which have agreed to cooperate in providing library service to the residents of all participating jurisdictions. SCLC provides member libraries a resource-sharing network and a means for enhancing the level and diversity of resources available to library users, while reducing duplication of effort.
SCLC members extend, on an equal basis, loan privileges to residents of other member libraries. The System’s delivery service links members for quick transfer of materials and enhanced sharing of resources.
Our Mission
The Southern California Library Cooperative fosters communication and
collaboration among its member libraries to provide advocacy, networking, resource sharing, and professional growth opportunities.
Our Vision
The public libraries of Los Angeles and Ventura Counties are connected
and empowered to serve their communities.
Our Members
Additional Support
As members of a library cooperative system, SCLC receives funding from the California State Library. The Communications and Delivery Program of the California Library Services Act (CLSA) is specifically designed to assist and encourage cooperative efforts among California public libraries.
There are currently nine library cooperative systems in the state charged with administering a variety of programs, services, and distribution of grant funds. To receive these funds, a library must be a member of one of these cooperative organizations.
SCLC staff provides administrative and fiscal support for the following four library cooperatives: